Madama workshops

I give workshops Expressive Painting, Make your own Powercircle and Experience the Colour Temple.
What is your drive? What do you want to express?
You work individually on a painting in Madama's large studio or garden if weather permits. In a free and flowing manner Madama gives directions. The result is a painting that is an expression of your input. It is an interesting and challenging process. It is not necessary to have any experience in drawing or painting.
Very suitable for friends and families.
Practical Information
Data: on request.
Investment: min. 3 participants: 3 hours € 97 p.p.; whole day from 10.00-16.30 uur € 125 p.p. incl. material coffee/tea excl. lunch.
Also possible individually.
Investment 4 hours, € 175 incl. material, coffee/tea
Location: Praktijk voor Zelfontplooiing, Paradama Da Esperanza, Maria Hoop
Sign up
Do you want to get more information about Expressive Painting or make an appointment, fill in the form or call me.contactpage.
The Powercircle embodies the quality in life that you represent.
Do you have the feeling that you can get more out of yourself?
Learn in this workshop in an imaginative and creative way to manifest your talents in colour.
After a short meditation or focus you concentrate on your word of ‘power’.
What is a key word that expresses what you stand for and how you can build on that in daily life.
You will paint your own 'powercircle' on a wooden circle. One uses different materials, you can also bring some of your own which are meaningful to you.
Prior knowledge of drawing or painting is not necessary. The aim is to express what lives inside in freedom. The result is a beautiful object, a gift for yourself or someone else.
Time: 10 a.m. - 4.30 p.m.
Location: Paradama Da Esperanza, Diergaarderstraat-West 15, 6105CJ Maria Hoop, or elsewhere on request. Madama's large studio is at your disposal situated in a park like garden, in itself a source of inspiration.
Participants: min. 5
Date: On request: you can form your own group and choose a date.
Sign up
Do you want to get more information about Make your own Powercircle or make an appointment, fill in the form or call me.contactpage.